Monday, January 21, 2008

VLCD #5- Beer on the protocol?

R2 LIW: 135.0
Yesterday: 136.4
Today: 135.2
Release: 1.2
R3 Release: 6.8
+0.2 LIW

R2 LIW: 239.0
Yesterday: 239.8
Today: 243.4
Gain: +3.6
R3 Release: 3.4
+4.4 LIW

Ready for this one?!
Yesterday’s Menu:
B: nothing
L: Mexican (Jenn: 3 mugs of BudLight, 3 strips of grilled chicken w/salsa & lettuce) (Ed: 4 mugs of BudLight, queso, chips, beef fajitas w/ 1 corn toritlla, 1/2 ice cream cone)
D: ya' kiddin me....NO WAY ARE WE HAVING DINNER!
3 L water, 2 c. tea w/stevia

Yep, that's right! I am so laughing and Ed is so crying right now! He keeps saying "let's just do a steak day today" he's so funny! When he deviates he always feels really bad, it's great he has to face his own consequences and I don't even have to open my mouth...well I did say "I told you!"

He deserves it...he is the one that started the whole beer scenario! I blame him because he has this funny way of talking me into things when I'm so determined not to do them-eww! So ya know we went out to Mexican yesterday. The restaurant was packed so we were sitting at the bar (big mistake) waiting for our table and for people to arrive. I was talking to family and then right before me out of nowhere came this cold, icy BudLight in a frosty mug! What?! Evil Ed thought it was so funny because HE ordered them! The worst part is we discussed beforehand that we were ABSOLUTELY NOT going to eat bad or drink no matter how much the fam pressures us-well Ed was no help...he was the worst one! I caved in, I haven't had beer in so long and I decided "whatever" so I drank it...then I drank another...and then ANOTHER! By the 3rd one we were just laughing saying "what are we doing?!" When it was time to order our meals I felt so bad (but good) so I didn't order anything! Ed got fajitas so I ate 3 strips of grilled chicken w/salsa and lettuce...and that's it! Not even one single chip!

I didn't go over the 500 cals-and as you saw I lost 1.2! I was so worried to step on the scale so I'll HAPPILY take the loss-oh yeah! Ed said "I'm done cheating now, I promise" uh huh we'll see! It's been really funny doing this protocol with him. You'd think with this being our R3 he would know better but he doesn't care...he lives in the "now" and when he wakes up in the "tomorrow" he usually says "it was, but wasn't worth it!" I'm a perfectionist and it's hard for me to just "let go" which is why we are so good together, I like to think we are the perfect Yin and Yang! :)

It's only 40 days...and where this is my last round for life (with all hopes) it's just NOT WORTH IT! I want to give it my all and be done! Ed will be doing one more round and because of this amazing protocol he feels "we'll be able to lose all the weight we want w/ HCG, it's okay!" We broke our own record for deviations...the first round it took 11 days to deviate, second round 9 days...third round-4 days! Oh well at least I lost...hee, hee!

Another day down! Hope everyone had a great weekend, and happy Monday!


Becca said...

OMG Jennifer, that story is just sooo hilarious. Ed totally got what he deserved for tempting you like that! I'm glad I'm working from home today because I've been giggling as I read your blog. I'm so glad you lost anyway, that's like the icing on the cake and further proof to Ed that he shouldn't tempt you cuz you'll win anyways! HA HA. And he DOES know that steak days are ONLY for P3/P4 doesn't he? Or is he just willing to try anything at this point? LOL!

maryg911 said...

Oh, please tell Ed that all that food will still be around once ya'll are off the protocoland he can not do a steak day during P2, he'll just have to chalk it up. Now I want to buy a 12 pack and try your version of the protocol, haha! Congrats on your loss and now you are on your way down girl, woo hoo!!

Wendy said...

Nice to see another blogger out there! Welcome!!

You and I have major similarities... BOTH of our husbands CHEAT!! ha ha

Well, even though you did a little drinkin', you did great with the temptation on ordering really bad choices in food! Good for you Jennifer!

Have a great day!!

BizBuzz said...


How totally funny! Remind me to tell you of a friend whose husband drank beer EVERY weekend, and that dang guy STILL lost like clockwork! I had beer on my first round, you know that already right? I still loss! I don't recommend it every day, but if you keep it to your 500 cals, you should be fine!

WOO HOO FOR YOU! I love it!

EweWho said...


Too funny, Jenn! You actually did well with your food, girl! No chips! Those babies are really hard to pass up. I know they are for me, anyway. I have to keep conversation up while everyone else eats them.

You kept a record for deviations??? ROFL Do you know for sure that Ed didn't cheat on day 1?

You're almost at LIW while Ed is 4.4 over. Hee hee. Looks like you are in the lead. Stay there!

Renee said...

Oooooh, bad, bad, Ed!

I'm glad to hear the beer(s) didn't affect you! I've been tempted by some wine and have not crossed the line yet. Beer & mexican food sort of go together though so I probably wouldn't have been able to resist either! And on my 2nd round, I went all out with a couple of margaritas. Surprisingly, I didn't gain from them. Sometimes the body just shocks the heck out of me.

Congrats on another great loss!!

applebottomblues said...

OMG... you had beer on the protocol and still lost! I know you were jumpin for joy on that scale & Ed sure paid for tempting you like that! He'll lose it in no time and I guess he's learned his lesson... until he forgets again LOL. Good job on just eating the chicken and salsa. HA... I loved that story :)

maryg911 said...
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