Thursday, January 31, 2008

VLCD #15- the secret....

Yesterday: 127.6
Today: 127.0
Release: 0.6
R3 Release: 15.0

Yesterday: 233.8
Today: 233.8
Release: 0.0
R3 Release: 13.0

Yesterday’s Menu:
B: coffee w/stevia
L: chicken w/cucumbers
D: shrimp w/ 1/2 grapefruit
3 L water, (Ed 1 L water, 2 c. coffee)

Well I was waiting for today's weigh in to know if our "look-a-like steak day" worked! So I've lost 1.6 in 2 days and Ed lost 2 lbs yesterday but nothing today, interesting! I believe he would've lost more if we would drink his water but I can only do so much "reminding" ya know?!

So basically as you saw it on Tuesday, we skipped lunch drank plenty of water and then for dinner had our total allowed protein (7 oz) with an apple. Steak days aren't hard for Ed and I, actually Ed asks for them in P3 even when we aren't above our LIW. The steak day on HCG was quite easy because we really weren't that hungry-it was very "do-able!" With this being our 3rd round we are more open to "testing" so it was great to know that steak days work in P2 too!

So not much of a secret! I'm going to try a little different menu today, another test...I'll keep you posted!

Onto yesterday's comments-
Biz- So do you think Ed had a stall like how JPS has a stall/gain after her "apple day?" Interesting I still lost...hmmm! More testing! So last night before bed I weighed 128.2 (so I lost 1.2 in my sleep) Ed weighed 235.8 (so he lost 2 lbs in his sleep). I never knew we lost weight in our sleep-duh! Btw, can yo see me now...can you see me now...what about now? LOL

Lili- Thanks for the name correction...I was going off of Biz' blog, so it's HER fault! No big secret, and you know if we had a secret you'd be in on it sista!

Monica- What's up girl? Yes, things are back on track! I needed to "get it together" because I have all you peeps to answer too! Thanks for the love...right back at ya!

Mary- I wondered about you yesterday...I'm going to check on you next! Believe it or not we really didn't get too hungry. Don't get me wrong, when it was time to eat we were happy but the HCG this round is really suppressing our appetites. I would say only do the steak day as a last ditch effort and make sure you stay very busy that day! Ed and I thought it was funny you called him "buddy boy!" LOL

Wendy- Oh yeah! Keep the prize in site huh? I wonder what your losses are today. Have I ever told you how great your pics look?

Re-nay-nay- Thanks for the compliment, awww shucks you're too sweet! I keep going back to your #'s trying to compare and your R3 has been amazing! Yum P3....lucky!

Regina- Always there for me huh?! Thank you for everything-I appreciate your friendship so much! So glad our paths have crossed, I just love ya!

Becca- Yeah Biz always voices what I'm already thinking...she's scary like that! I always listen too because it makes her feel like she's the boss! OMG, I just went and looked at your pics! I will do the commenting on your blog but wow Becca, this stuff really works huh?! And yes, smarty pants I do work, maybe even twice a month! :)

Okay, I'm expecting some big numbers from ya'll...btw, is this round done yet?!


BizBuzz said...

Oh my! How bright it is in here! I am loving it you dingleberry! ROFL

And what is this about being boss??? You are way too funny! At least you know it! ROFL

Girl! I really enjoyed yesterday - and you are about the mostest of anyone. The little experiment worked WOO HOO ON THAT! Now I can speak with authority!


maryg911 said...

Wow, Jen you just keep losing, don't cha!!
How's my buddy boy doing today?

Jen, get him to drink his water!! Ed, remember, water is what help flush the fat out of the body. Drink it up, water that is!!

beachbrights said...

Hello Ms. Sunshine! You sound so bright and happy today. Thanks for doing the steak day experiment. Nice to know it works! I can't wait to hear about your new experiment...suspense!


Wendy said...

That is quite a trick you have there!!! Looks like it works like a charm. You are doing so wonderfully!!! What is your goal now? I can't remember if you told me or not! Just call me Dory. (o:

EweWho said...

LOL at Wendy!

Gee, I think it may have been a whole hour since I spoke with ya. I had my catfish and onions for dinner. When I got my jammies on, I weighed while nekkid. 227.8 This was after I had just drank another cup of tea and eaten dinner. Was 227.2 this morning. Hmmm, what will morning bring?

Sleep tight, sweetie!

Becca said...

Yes LOL at Wendy for me too. My granddaughter who loved spongebob at 2, fell in love with Nemo at 3 and carried around a dory toy under one arm and a nemo toy under the other for a solid six months! And I saw the movie probably 36 times!
You are just so sparkly today! You sound like I feel, all happy and giddy inside. I am having FUN with the HCG. But let me tell you, I'll have to leave the meal skipping steak day to you guys. I seriously cannot go all day without eating. HCG or no, my stomach is HOLLERING at me by 9am if I haven't had my apple or grapefruit by then.
HCG has made me actually LIKE grapefruit (sprinkled with stevia). I used to really HATE it. what's up with that?
Oh another thing, I always weigh myself at night and almost without fail, my weight the next morning is two pounds less, so I have a pretty good idea if I'm going to lose or not!