Monday, January 28, 2008

VLCD #12- I said "NO!" crabby pants!

Yesterday: 128.8
Today: 128.4
Release: 0.4
R3 Release: 13.6

Yesterday: 236.8
Today: 235.0
Release: 1.8
R3 Release: 11.8

Yesterday’s Menu:
B: nada
L: we shared 1 giant Alakan King crab leg w/fresh lemon
D: chicken w/cucumber (Ed, 2 grissinis & a shot of jager)
3.5 L water, 1 Pellegrino (Ed, 1.5 L)

See what happens when I say "NO!" My whole plan yesterday was to drink water and as little sodium as possible so guess who comes home with the biggest crab legs I've ever seen?! Uh huh ED! We have some good friends who own a seafood market and he stopped by and loaded up! I had to eat it, I mean how I could I pass up on that? It tasted sooooo salty and I knew that wasn't good but...whatever!

Still a loss for me and Ed has had 2 good days in a row...but I'm still beating him! Just for fun we did the ketosis strips this morning and they were as dark as they can get-GO GET THAT FAT HCG!

Okay, well today is going to be what yesterday was suppose to be...water and low sodium!

In response to yesterdays/today's comments-
Biz- It couldn't have been the tuna, everyone is eating tuna and doing just fine! Yes, my body is playing catch up and I hope I don't sound like one of those anorexic chicks that freak out if they gain a pound! It's just so nice to see that scale moving...let's get done with this already! Your sister WILL get to my weight! Like I say: "if we can do it, anyone can do it!" Our bodies love to be thin and trim!

Mary- Sorry my sense of humor is a little "off the wall" sometimes-glad you got it! And yes, I did measure yesterday and have lost .5 more on my waist-so who gives a damn about that scale!

Becca- Thanks for the compliment...yeah, I have a flame bikini that can't wait to be worn-OMG! Becca, let's not put balls, speedo and my Dad in one sentence EVER AGAIN! LOL! Thanks for all your comments-I think you are as crazy as me!

Lili- Oh, I was wondering about you-are you starting P2 today? I think I just read that on Biz' blog! Yes, tuna and pickles...yum!

Wendy- So nice of you to encourage Ed but he's running his mouth saying he's "going to beat all you ladies" me included! How's your cheating husband doing? Ever since I told him that your husband cheats on the weekends he keeps saying that's what he's going to do...whatever!

CB- Oh, another sweet compliment, thank you! I still see work that needs to be done on this bod but goodness I can't complain-we love HCG! You back?

Thanks for the visits! Ya'll make this so fun!
What?! It's Monday already? Have a good one...


BizBuzz said...

A shot of jager, Ed, you need to get over the alcohol dude!

You liked that eh? My dream about YOUR weight??? ROFL - it's funny how these things make it into our dreams!

I had so much fun chatting with you last night. But if I would have known I was going to have a rough night, I would have gone to bed earlier!

Ok now, let's keep of the salt and see what kind of loss you can get tomorrow ok? Let's get to 127!!!

maryg911 said...

Girl, lay off the salt! J/K, your still doing an amazing job!
Tell Ed to quit trying to sabatoge you.

applebottomblues said...

Yup... I know about that salt, but you're doing a great job hon... Ed too, except for that alcohol... HA!! but still he continues to lose. Go figure.

Just read yesterdat's post... I was cracking up at your joke! Have a great non-salty Monday :)

beachbrights said...

Crab Legs and a .4 loss! Sounds good to me!!

I won't even comment on Ed...

I'm back!

Renee said...

A shot of jager? Just thinking of that makes me not want alcohol of any sort! Blech! I'll drink most anything but that. We were out one night and our friends were buying everyone Jager Bombs. As if I'm still 14, I was proudly exclaiming, "Gag me with a spoon!".

Your losses are still wonderful even with all that sodium. Go you! I'm SO happy to see you doing so wonderfully this round! Goal - here you come!

Crystal Lee said...

Tell Ed the "Big C" is coming to town next week so he is going to have some serious competition! HA! Lose more than me? Boy please! LOL :P

Take care guys....


Becca said...

MMMM, crab, so yummy! I won't have it on P2 though because I NEED the melted butter to dip it in. It will wait for me...
That reminded me of my granddaughter who was a BIG sponge bob fan. She was 2 years old and would RUN to the TV whenever she heard the music. So to get her to eat her little hamburgers my daughter told her they were crabby patties and it worked like a charm. Now she's 6 though and she told me "Gramma don't call them crabby patties, they are from COWS!" LOL.
Now if you tell me you don't know who Sponge Bob is, this whole story is just a big waste of time!