Wednesday, February 27, 2008

VLCD #38 We did somethin' right...

Yesterday: 122.6
Today: 121.6
Release: 1.0
R3 Release: 20.4

Yesterday: 227.5
Today: 226.2
Release: 1.3
R3 Release: 20.6 (buddy boy is in the lead)

Yesterday’s Menu:
B: coffee w/stevia
S: 1/2 grapefruit
L: 1/2 can (low sodium) tuna, 2 T cottage cheese, 1 celery stalk
D: 4 oz Bison steak (J: broccoli w/ parm cheese) (E: grilled onion)
S: 1/2 orange w/ 1 square of Lindt 70% dark chocolate (YUM)!
4 L water, 2 c tea (E: 2.5 L water)

YES! We are both very happy today! Maybe we should copy exactly what we ate yesterday to see if we can pull another 1 pounder tomorrow...hmmm!

Maybe the loss is from all the water we drank from our new, nifty, handy dandy water bottles Ed bought for US yesterday (for MY birthday)! Now these aren't just any 'ol water bottles...they are the "HydraCoach" Intelligent Water Bottles-whoo! They track how much water you've drinkin' including clocks, water goals, percentages and a 27 page mini manual to go with it (sheesh)! We had no idea drinking water could be so much FUN! Ain't technology great?!

OMG, I'm so close to being under 120....I can't believe it!

In response to our peeps:
Hi'ya Marrrray- Thanks for your input on the fruit! We did get our fruit and all our cals in yesterday and look! This whole thing is just a "crap shoot" (as Biz would say)! Who knows! YES, we are both going till March 11th (unless my body begs me to stop-which would be AWESOME)!

Monica- I am very excited to almost be at goal! This has been a 7 month journey and I can't believe I'm at the tail end of's a great feeling!!!! I've almost lost 50 freakin' pounds-crazy huh?!

Shelly- What's up Mrs. Athletic? Thanks also for your input on the fruits and getting in all the cals. Ahhh, a size 0...NO!!! Enjoy P3 girlfriend!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!


maryg911 said...

Well, look at both of you nearing the home stretch and still losing, amazing!!!

That water bottle thing sounds to advanced for me so I'll just stick to refilling my 32 oz cup every time its empty and it is empty quite often!!!

Good for both of you, I think I'm ready to restart again!!

Becca said...

Hi there... You are sure getting close to the 110's! I think you will make it this week! So cool for you. Your water bottle sounds pretty cool. Just like a guy to turn a healthy thing like a water bottle into a techie toy...
Go check out my blog today so you can get the scoop on the ski trip. and... there is also a little surprise! So go look and see...

applebottomblues said...

I think becca's right.. you're gonna make it into the 110s this week. Hey... you both made it to 20lbs today! WOO HOO!

I GOTTA get me one of those water bottles! That's right up my alley.