Wednesday, February 20, 2008

VLCD #31- All is well!

Yesterday: 123.4
Today: 123.0
Release: 0.4
R3 Release: 19.0

Yesterday: 230.0
Today: 229.8
Release: 0.8
R3 Release: 17.0

Yesterday’s Menu:
B: tea w/stevia
S: 1/2 grapefruit
L: 1/2 c 1% cottage cheese
D: chili w/ 1 egg (the usual)
3 L water, 2 c tea w/stevia, 2 glasses of wine

All is well! It sure is fun waking up each day and watching the number on the scale getting lower and lower. Have ya'll ever noticed in the P&I where Dr. S explains the series of questions when he is evaluating new patients? One of the questions is: "are you greedy?" isn't that interesting? Why do you think he asks that, and what would your answer be? Just curious! Also, do you think there is a "right or wrong" answer for that?

Nothing much goin' on around here! I have several errands to run today so I don't have much time to post but wanted to give a quick update.

Thanks for the comments yesterday Monica, Shelley, Mary and Winston!

Have a great day...the week is almost half over...oh yeah!!!

1 comment:

applebottomblues said...

YES... the week's almost half over and almost to our LIW. WOO HOO! Mine is MAR 26th. Thanks for catching that little boo boo.

Hmmm...I guess I wasn't greedy, but I never noticed that question before! Maybe he asked so he would have a reference in his records for when the "greedy" folks expressed that they had no hunger on the 500 calorie diet.